The Association Pro Ecclesia in Asia, based in Rome with Tax Code 97329910588 is an apolitical and non-political, non-profit association whose purpose is to fund projects in developing countries.
Such funding may favour any kind of institution or association, but specifically targets those projects that tend to promote, protect and defend the Christian values present in western civilisation and especially in the East.
In particular, the association proposes, drawing inspiration from the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, to promote the training of young people in Christian morals and values, and to develop activities aimed at the dissemination and defence of the values of the Christian tradition in developing countries.
To achieve these aims, the Association may
- use the various means of social communication
- promote and organise colloquia, work and/or study meetings, seminars and congresses, at a national and international level, also sponsoring: trips and cultural exchange visits with associations or persons, in Italy and abroad, who have similar aims, and any other initiative that may contribute to the Association's aims
- to publish and disseminate any document, book, magazine or other periodical to raise public awareness of issues relating to Christian culture and principles, as well as in general for the pursuit of the Association's scope.
- undertake any initiative that, from time to time, shall be deemed necessary to promote and realise the scope of the Association or to procure contributions to the funds of the same, through donations, subscriptions, legacies.
- make donations to organisations or individuals that pursue purposes similar to those of the Association or that may contribute to the Association's aims.
- to grant scholarships intended to help beneficiaries carry out a project included in the Association's purposes.
- and more generally, to carry out anything that has a direct or indirect relationship with the purposes of the Association.
The Association is non-profit-making and may not distribute, even indirectly, profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital during the Association's duration, unless the destination or distribution is required by law.